Thursday, September 22, 2011

Pass the BATON please!

No one ever told me I'd have to repeat school through my kids.  I thought that graduation from college meant I would never have to do trig or statistics again.  Little did I know that not only would I have to repeat ALL my academics but that I would earn a masters degree, yet forget how to do basic math without the assistance of a calculator or have to re-learn how to spell without my "spell check" button a fingertip away.

Combined with the fact that all 3 of my kids are in school now (the youngest just started preschool) and Josh starting a new job that has him out of town Monday-Thursday of each week AND me having to travel out of town for 2 weekends in a row for my work,  I feel like we have been playing pass the baton back and forth to each other.  And when you're running full steam ahead, sometimes it's hard to focus on the switch without dropping the baton.

In the past week and a half I have:

  • lost someone's football fundraising check, 
  • forgot to send in money and a signed permission slip for a field-trip, 
  • had to gracefully bow out of being a grade parent (this is a sidebar but NO ONE EVER TOLD ME that being a room mom is WAY different than it used to be....holy responsibility, batman!),
  • created from scratch, a Humpty Dumpty costume because my middle child did not want to go as the easy costume of "little boy blue" - only to tell his dad the morning of the nursery rhyme parade, after I made the costume and was out of town for work, that he actually didn't want to wear his costume.  "Like _ell you aren't wearing that", was the internal dialogue my husband had with Jonathan at the prospect that he would have to create a new nursery rhyme costume on the fly with me out of the town.
  • put together an elaborate "all about me" poster for my 3 year old's first week of school
  • coordinated dress code each day for the colors they were studying in class
  • sent in separate checks for:  computer earphones, class fees, field-trips, the random I.O.U's from the cafeteria because my middle child "forgot" he had a lunchbox full of food once and since he had also managed to forget his lunch bag at school the day before, picked up the empty lunch bag and took it to the cafeteria, leaving his full lunch in the class....WHAT?!!
  • made (with only a paper pattern) a stuffed teddy bear.  No really; the instructions indicated to enjoy this "quality" time with our first grader as we made, NOT bought, a teddy bear to share with the class and to use our imagination.  "Quality" time was the last thing I was thinking would ensue when I thought about including my 7 yr old in the use of sewing needles, a hot glue gun, and stuffing. 
  • and don't forget the notes saying to send in...items for treasure box, hand sanitation liquid, applesauce, cookies, paper towels, and something else random I know I'm supposed to be sending in next week that I've already forgotten what it is.
Once kids are in school it's really hard to keep your head on straight.  I feel like "who's on first, what's on second".  Throw in multiple kids and extracurriculars (like pop warner football that has my 5 and 7 yr. old practicing 3 times a week from 6-8pm and games on Saturday) and I had to LOL when my husband innocently assumed that I would be going back to work when our kids were all in school.

Yes dear, I will be going back to work as soon as I find a superwoman cape that comes equipped with job specific superpowers.  Does any working mom know where I can find one of those?


  1. I really enjoy the "realness" of this post. It is simply not possible to do it all and I truly believe life gets easier once we accept this! Keep the posts coming!

  2. I don't know. Don't the boys' cute booties in those football pants make some of it worth it? :)
