Thursday, August 11, 2011

TOP 10 things you learn from a BOY sleepover

As the newest initiate into the world of Birthday Party Sleepovers, 

1.  It only takes 15 seconds to utilize the word "poop" in conversation at the dinner table.
2.  Eyeliner is impossible to remove when applied as facial hair for pirate beards. Sorry to all the moms who received their 7 yr. old home with what appeared to be a 5 o'clock bad.
3.  Just when you think they are winding down you'll hear a shout for "game time" at 10:30pm.
4.  Boys do not distinguish between inside and outside voices.  It's all LOUD!
5.  I take that back...their inside voice is an outside voice and their outside voice is loud enough to wake the neighbors, oops.
6.  Late to bed does NOT equal late to rise.
7.  Little boys lack the "I don't want to point out your flaws" filter.  As I'm starting a movie for them at 7 am (yes, that time is correct) one child says, "You look different".  When I explain that it's because I'm not wearing makeup another boy says, "Is that why you look like that?".
8.  Saying "You can only eat 5 pieces of candy" translates to "You can eat every piece except for the last one so you can tell me you didn't eat the WHOLE bag".
9.  A "milk burp" is something entirely different for a 7 yr. old than it is for a baby...GROSS!
10.  Before you know it, they will be too old for sleepovers and you'll be wishing for these lists again.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


One of my favorite parts of motherhood is hearing the crazy things that come out of my kids' mouths.  Just the other day Julia was watching me get dressed and she said, "Mommy, are you putting your boobs on?" to which I reply, "No sweetie, that's my bra". HA!

Don't worry, this isn't all I have to say about this.  I am receiving new material to add to this subject almost daily.  I'd love to hear some of yours though.  Bring on the comments!