Wednesday, August 10, 2011


One of my favorite parts of motherhood is hearing the crazy things that come out of my kids' mouths.  Just the other day Julia was watching me get dressed and she said, "Mommy, are you putting your boobs on?" to which I reply, "No sweetie, that's my bra". HA!

Don't worry, this isn't all I have to say about this.  I am receiving new material to add to this subject almost daily.  I'd love to hear some of yours though.  Bring on the comments!


  1. Recently I took my oldest daughter Julianna, who is 13, bra shopping. As we wandered through the intimate apparel section of Target, my 4 year old, Anabelle decided to voice her VERY loud opinion- "Why are all these bras so fancy if no one is supposed to see them?" (snickers from all in hearing distance) Good question Anabelle.... how do I answer that one?? ;0)

  2. Eliott has made the exact same comment. I swear.
